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1st edition
When You Need
a Miracle
Hurting people want a God who is big enough to rescue them from heartache and circumstances beyond imagination. But even if they believe that such a God exists, they may have no idea how to approach him, much less how to ask him for the impossible.
In this powerful book, Linda Evans Shepherd shows readers how to reach out to God and ask for a miracle. She shows how God’s miracles may not come packaged in the ways we would expect, but they do come in ways that will transform our lives.
This book will be a comfort to those who struggle with faith yet still dare to believe that God cares. Through solid biblical teaching and real-life stories of answered prayer, Shepherd walks with readers on a journey to renewed hope and the assurance that God still works miracles. Watch the short video above where Linda describes the book:
What Readers Said
“I bought this when I was suffering from severe stress and rapidly sinking into depression. Every night I had to fight the desire to self-harm. I was very skeptical and cynical, thinking it would simply be another take on the “prosperity gospel”. I was so wrong! It was the beginning of .my healing. I wept through most of the prayers, but at least I was praying again and the whole tone of the book is so loving and non-judgemental. For me, it was God sent.” —Reader
Watch the When You Need A Miracle Chapter Companion Video Series (in the Miracle Book video library) FREE while you read.
News Reports about When You Need a Miracle
From Christian News Wire:
Evangelicals Buzz About New Miracle Prayer Book
LONGMONT, Colo., July 31, 2012 / Christian Newswire/ — The new book, When You Need a Miracle, How to Ask God for the Impossible, by Linda Evans Shepherd, teaches readers how to reach out to God and ask for a miracle, even claiming, “If you read this book until the end, you will experience miracles.”
Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven, spoke to this claim, saying, “I read it. I did. . . God makes the impossible possible every day. Sometimes we just need something to remind us how to ask for it.”
Besides Piper’s endorsement, there’s a growing buzz about the book, including author Kathy Howard who said, “Linda highlights the truth that God is not a spiritual vending machine. Therefore, God’s miracles may not come packaged in the ways we would expect, but they do come in ways that will transform our lives.”
Bestselling author Rebecca Barlow Jordan added to the discussion saying, “I believe that what makes Linda’s book stand out from others is her solid biblical truths which help cut through hindrances to God’s working in our lives, allowing us to find freedom — which is a miracle many need.”
Author and reviewer Yvonne Ortega said, “This is no ordinary book on prayer. . . Sometimes when we are in the thick of horrendous circumstances, we forget we are in spiritual warfare. This miracle book is worth double the price just for the Set Free Prayers.”
Reviewer Janet Holm McHenry added “Though I’ve both written and read dozens of books on prayer, I found many new insights in Shepherd’s book. I particularly loved her Next Step Principle and the wonderful stories of answers to prayer. I highly recommend it!”
When You Need a Miracle — How to Ask God for the Impossible is from publisher Baker Revell and is available at Christian book stores everywhere, as well as online book and ebook sources including Amazon, CBD, and Barnes and Noble. For more information on the book or to contact Shepherd, see www.NeedMiracleBook.com.
When You Need a Miracle, How to Ask God for the Impossible will be a comfort to those who struggle with faith yet still dare to believe that God cares enough to both hear and respond to their prayers. Shepherd walks with readers on a journey through prayer to renewed hope and the assurance that God still works miracles.
Miracle Book
Miracle Book

When You Need a Miracle - How to Ask God for the Impossible - a book by Linda Evans Shepherd

When You Need a Miracle Chapter 2 with Linda Evans Shepherd

When You Need a Miracle, Chapter 3 with Linda Evans Shepherd