Called to Pray
Most of us have felt it at one time or another: that unexplained prompting in our hearts to stop and pray for a friend, a loved one, or even a stranger. Sometimes we are even awakened from a deep sleep with an even deeper need to go to God in prayer. Where do those urges come from? Are they truly from God? Or are they merely stray thoughts? And if we respond in prayer, are others’ lives affected at all?
In Called to Pray, Linda Evans Shepherd shares dozens of inspiring true stories of people who have heeded God’s call to pray and the astonishing results of those impromptu prayers. Through accounts of people being protected from harm and rescued from danger, of needs being met and hearts being encouraged, you’ll see that God is involved in an active and dynamic relationship with us–and that we can be part of his plan to bless others.
If you have ever wondered if prayer has any real effect or doubted that God communicates with us personally, this heart-stirring book will amaze, inspire, and equip you to respond to those holy promptings.
From the trusted, beloved Christian Publisher; Baker Revell.
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What Readers Said
“I think so many of us need lifting up because these Times are [more] evil. Your books help me to put things in perspective.” — B.J.
“I received my copy the day my son passed out playing football at college 5 states away. I read it on the plane to Tallahassee. It was so encouraging and gave me such courage I read it again on the return flight. Life is scary, this little gem reminds us who is actually in control and what an honor it is to get to be part of His plan for us and those we love!!! I love true stories of answered prayer!" —Liz Cowen Furman