The God You
Need to KnoW
Open this book and land inside an action-packed movie about the story of God, filled with secrets you need to know.
Watch God’s story unfold, starting with the Great War that waged before time began.
Uncover the trouble that Adam and Eve released when they bit into sin.
Search for clues to find and keep the lost Ark of the Covenant.
Unravel the mystery of Jesus and His claims that He came alive from the dead.
As you review these stories, Linda will narrate the scenes before you so that you will not only get the big picture of God, but the picture of God’s love for you.
By the time you finish this book, you’ll know who God is and who God is to you. You’ll discover the unconditional love you’ve been longing for.
Download The God You Need to Know
Companion Study Guide Here:
What Readers Said
“I finished the book last night. First I loved the set-up. Writing it like a movie was a great idea.
It was so easy to follow. During the Ark of the Covenant chapter, I found myself humming the Raiders of the Lost Ark theme. I never expected a scene from the Godfather, but it works! It made it so easy to read and follow.
As always your prayers in each chapter are great. I loved the love notes, and the worship experiences, because it helps me recap and brings it all together.
I really like the fact that it’s not preachy (none of your books are) and your own personal experiences show us that a normal, average person can grow to know God better. By that, I mean you're not coming across as a special or a very holy person that regular people can’t relate to.
I found many things that I needed to highlight and I will be using this book time and time again.
In one word: Awesome! I liked it because I was able to apply what you wrote to my life.
Do I feel that I know God better, yes.
Do I believe that it will help me in my struggles with my faith and trust in God, yes.
Will I still have good and bad days, yes, but like today, when I was feeling unloved, I went back and read chapter 2, Divine Love, to help God’s love for me sink into my mind.
The only cons I have are, I wish it was longer with more worksheets.
Thank you so much for this book. I really enjoyed it and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it, even more, the second time around."